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How Consumer Trends Are Changing the Face of Packaging Design 2019


Written by Lien Design ©2019


When we look at the food packaging on the shelves of today’s grocery stores, it will become evident that many have certain wording and other features that give us information about the product. Some of these features may not have been as popular a few years ago, but as time goes on, they are becoming necessary for those who want to thrive in the industry.


If you are in the food and beverage business, here are some branding and packaging design trends you will want to be aware of.




Once it was okay for packaging to include wording that advertised their food as ‘low fat’ or ‘all natural’. Now the demands of customers are making it necessary for companies to be even more transparent.


They want to know the exact ingredients, whether products are organic, hormone free, GMO or non-GMO. Some may even want to know what channels have touched the product packaging design along its journey and its time frame from farm to store.


Limited Edition:


Limited edition products are a great way for brands to experiment without the need for them to undergo a complete re-design. Often, companies choose to release limited edition goods when they are trying out something a bit indulgent. A good example of this is ‘real sugar Coke’.


This type of limited edition packaging allows customers to get an occasional treat without raising a major red flag to health advocates.


Charitable Giving:


As the world becomes more socially conscious, people are looking to support brands that give back to their favorite causes. Brands are not only mentioning the type of charitable giving they do on their web sites, they print them loud and proud on their product packaging. That way people in the grocery store know exactly where their money is going.

sale, shopping, consumerism and people c

sale, shopping, consumerism and people concept – close up of woman with food at grocery store

Embracing the Digital Age:


More customers are shopping for grocery store products online. Because of this, companies must not only think about how their products will appear on the shelf, they must think about how they will appear in terms of web design. This is a science that can be developed over time based on sales and customer feedback.

The food industry keeps updating and companies must keep up with the latest trends in order to stay on top of the competition. When it comes to food packaging label design, they must rely on an expert who is in tune with the pulse of the public’s needs.


Lien Design is a graphic design and branding company who makes it a priority to create packaging that is inline with the modern shopper’s sensibilities. They understand the customer’s demands in regard to nutritional information, the shopping experience, social causes and overall enjoyability. They use their knowledge to create packaging that they know will make a product sell.


Consumer trends are constantly changing, and packaging must be updated to appeal to the modern consumer. The right food packaging design companies can provide you with packaging that is sure to make your product sell. Good luck finding a company that is the best fit for your brand. All images are property of their corresponding copyright and company. This article is for educational purposes only, not to promote any one company.

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